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Search Engine Optimization: Tips to Improve the Load Speed of Your Website


The users today are expecting their website in terms of loading quite quickly, and those that will not likely be experiencing any kind of negative occurrences as an outcome here. There have been researches that were conducted having found a single one-second delay in a load of their page yielding about 11% fewer page views, a 16% or decrease in terms of customer satisfaction along with 7% loss in terms of the conversions. Google has also noted that the load speed of the site is considered as a signal that is used by its algorithm in terms of ranking their pages through the small SEO packages India.

It is extremely vital to ensure that your website is tuned for reducing the page load speeds as much as possible since the websites here are evolving in terms of becoming more complex and heavy in their content. Many will also need the help of a proficient web development partner as there are a few actionable tweaks that can have a major impact in terms of reducing the page load speed, while there are several factors that are affecting the page load speeds here.

1. Optimize images and video

Images and videos are a few of the biggest culprits that are increasing your webpage load time as they are consuming a significant portion of the overall size of the page. There are two distinctive factors related to the videos and images, along with the sizes of every individual asset along the number of total assets that are being loaded over every given page. It is, however, vital to address both of these factors here.

Size your images appropriately – Clients would be making a mistake in terms of uploading the full-sized 12-megapixel images without first resizing them, is what we have seen frequently. If it is going to be displayed at 500 pixels, then you need not upload this 6000-pixel wide image. Also, ensure that the photos are sized perfectly well in accordance with the parameters of the design while considering the retina.

Stick to JPG when possible â€“ In terms of maintaining the integrity of the image without having to waste those unnecessary spaces, JPG is considered a compressed image format. JPG is therefore preferred here with the vast majority of applications. When there is a need for transparency is when you should only be using PNG. Never use TIFF and BMP together.

Compress all photos â€“The photos are going to be of larger files even though they have been appropriately sized. Ensure that every photo here is compressed since compression can distinctively reduce the size of the file without dramatically sacrificing the quality of the picture here.

Compress all video â€“ Video, mainly the ones that are HD, has the complete potential to be the distinctive speed hog. Ensure that you are compressing every video with the use of the video compression tool as done through the small seo packages India.

Embed using a 3rd party video hosting platform â€“ Embedding a video is considered a great idea while making use of the 3rd party video hosting platform for reducing the impact over your hosting server and its bandwidth.

Limiting the number of total assets on every page

Make sure to keep in mind the more videos and images you are placing on every page, the longer it will be taking the page to load. It is important to be cognizant of the complete size of the asset of every page. There are features in the website, including the sliders, background videos, background textures, as well as larger images, that might be adding an interesting twist to the website as they are also increasing the page load speed. Try to find out a healthy balance between the user experience as well as the aesthetics.

2. Leverage a caching, page speed plugin

There are several factors that are impacting the page load speed of a website, yet there are several that are simply beyond the expertise of an average marketer. There are several helpful plugins as well as modules that can help with the heavy liftings required technically. The other way in terms of helping to improve the page load time would be through page caching. 

Read More: SEO Approaches: 10 Best Tips to Do It in the Right Way

A good page speed solution for your WordPress website cannot specifically tackle the page caching but also slewing of the other page-speed optimization methods, including the following:

· Enabling browser caching

· Allowing browser caching

· LazyLoading of the images as well as the videos.

· Minifying the resources

· Removing query strings from static resources

· Removal of the query strings from the static resources

· Combination of the files

· Optimization of the database

· Loading the CSS files asynchronously

· Deferring of the loading of the JS file.

3. Upgrade your web hosting package

A significant impact on the page load speed of your website can be impacted through the quality of the hosting web package here. More resource-intensive websites, along with the websites that are generating more traffic, are ensured with the larger ones. Investing in the highly-performing VPS management or the dedicated web hosting platform should be of great priority, while using an inexpensive shared hosting platform can be quite tempting. These are the packages that are often using the faster technology stacks along with featuring the dedicated resources along with a host of vital options for fine-tuning your server with small SEO packages India.

Other tips to speed up your website

As stated previously, there are several factors that would be affecting the page load speed of your website. Several would need the right kind of assistance as well as the expertise of web development assistance, while a few of them are within your control. The following are many of the other considerations that should be taken in concern for the improvement of your website page loading speed with the help of social media marketing near me:

Minimize HTTP requests â€“ It would be getting down to the nitty-gritty of web development but thereby decreasing the total number of pieces in the webpage that are required to be loaded, thereby reducing the page loading time.

Enable Gzip compression â€“ Your webpages are compressed through the Gzip along with the style sheets before sending them over to the browser here. It would be reducing the size of the page up to 70% that can drastically reduce the time taken to transfer.

More to Read: The Most Outstanding Local SEO Techniques to Improve You’re Ranking

Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) – The speed of your site can be improved significantly by hosting the website files along the larger network of servers present around the world in terms of leveraging the CDN. It would allow the users to download the files from the servers that are closer to them, and thereby spreading of the bandwidth decreases the page loading times.


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